Isnin, 22 Disember 2008

This one's for fun=)

what if your ex said this to you:

1. Hi. How are you?
-im fine thank you.u?

2. Hey! You wanna go to the mall?
-sorry but,marah karang my girlfie.haha xp

3. I love you.
- baru kau kan membagitau?sorry.aku ada dia.haha

4. Do you want some cookie?
-nada kau jampi jampi ni?hahaha

5. Can i take a picture with you?
-only us both?

6. Would you help me with my homework?
-why pigang2 ah.saya senitip tu!haha

7. Here`s a gift to you.
-thanks.. but..why me and what for?

8. Let us just be friends.
-apa kau pikir slama ani?

9. Do you want me to buy you an ipod?
-sorry but,i have tonnes of it at home haha xp

10. Lets watch a movie.
-sure.can i bring my girlfie along?

11. Hi baby.

12. You`re still gorgeous.
-dulu kau ucap lampuh bida ani gorgeous tia!xp

13. I still love you.
-thanks but sorry,i never want to go back=D

14. Can i visit your house?
-im sorry but my girlfie's living with,i guess not.

15. Do you love me?
-why should i after what u've done?

Now tag 5 people
-geng rumah ayyub xp

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